I.T. Transport
About Our Team
About Our Team
Dick Komakech, Director at I.T. Transport Ltd (ITT), with 18+ years’ experience in global transport infrastructure projects. A member of CIHT, he excels in project implementation, highlighted by award-winning initiatives in Kenya and Tanzania. Currently leading transformative projects in Uganda and Tanzania.
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Dick Komakech (MSc, BSc, DIC, MCIHT) is a Director at I.T. Transport Ltd (ITT) with over 18 years’ experience in the planning, design, implementation and sustainable management of transport infrastructure projects predominantly in Africa, Europe, Asia and Central America. He is a member of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation and holds a BSc. Civil Engineering degree of Makerere University (Uganda) and MSc. Transport degree of the Imperial College London (UK).
Dick is responsible for overall project implementation and has successfully delivered a number of long-term assignments as a Lead expert including the Development and enrolment of Road Maintenance Management System (RMMS) in Kenya under the R2000 Road Improvement Project (R2000). R2000 was rated by the British Expertise international Award as Highly Commended Development Project of the Year 2011/12. He has worked in various capacities as a consultant, researcher and team leader with public and private institutions, and multilateral and bilateral agencies, including FCDO, World Bank, SIDA, AfDB, DANIDA, CDB and EU.
As a Team Leader, Dick completed a highly successful DFID funded 4-year Road improvement programme in Tanzania which entailed the development of climate resilient, safe and sustainable rural road infrastructure. The key components of the technical assistance comprised of research, road selection and prioritisation, procurement, contract management, design and delivery of various practical training to private and public sector stakeholders, development of climate change strategy, road safety programme and Road Asset planning & management system. The project won the British Expertise International Award 2019 for Best International Development – Physical Project.
Recently as the Deputy Team Leader (& Infrastructure Lead) for the Cities & Infrastructure for Growth in Uganda (CIG-U) programme, funded by FCDO UK, Dick’s role spanned widely from Urban Planning, advising on different stages of transport Infrastructure development, Project financing and incorporating various cross-cutting themes including climate change, e-mobility, social inclusion and gender equality.
Currently, Dick is leading the implementation of several infrastructure measures under the Serengeti Ecosystem Development and Conservation Project (SEDCP) in Tanzania. As Chief Technical Adviser, his overall responsibility is the provision of consulting services during the various stages from planning, design, tender documentation, procurement and supervision. This also includes building the capacity of key stakeholders to sustainably maintain and operate the infrastructure with support from the implementing partner, Tanzania National Parks Authority (TANAPA) and the funding agency, KfW.